About Me
I have started to study coaching in the Netherlands almost a decade ago and in parallel to this I also learned mediation in Belgium and alternative therapy as well, such as special techniques for women who struggle to become pregnant or pregnancy relaxation. Following this, I acquired some methods for the preparation of the delivery and baby massage as well. After moving back to Hungary, I continued my studies and further developed the above-mentioned techniques with my own ideas. For now, I am working with people according to their own needs in favor of giving genuine support in particular periods of their lives.
Originally my aim was to become a psychologist or a doctor (like my parents) and I was also interested in other areas, such as antrophosophy, thus, I have started to study all of them. In the end, I graduated as economist (BA and MA). For more than 10 years I have been working in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Hungary but after the birth of my children I felt that I needed to go back to my roots so I have started to study coaching, mediation and alternative therapy – in Belgium, in the Netherlands and in Hungary. As a diplomat I was particularly interested in cross cultural coaching / mediation and in the integration process. Nowadays I support more individuals, especially women before- after giving birth and in their reintegration to work.
I am very much committed to dedicate my working career to supporting individuals to deliver effective results, to harmonize their work with their private life and last but not least to offer them the possibility that they REALLY can live their lives as they want to. As an Accredited Consciousness Coach® I coach individuals or groups, design and deliver corporate coaching programs, as mediator I support my clients to resolve disputes with concrete results, and as alternative therapist I facilitate my clients to understand their inner process and eliminate the obstacles to become healthy, authentic and happy persons. These effective tools can encourage you to be able to use your full potential through (re)establishing a deep connection with your higher conscious and through this creating the most wanted reality, live a meaningful life and achieve basically anything you want.
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