& happiness
by Zsófia Zalai-Zempléni
You can live without joy, but it’s not worth it. Change in ways that increase the joy in you!
You can live without consciousness, but if you just drift, you won’t be happy in the long run.
Every moment is a chance to make a decision. Make more conscious choices to rebuild your life!
Be yourself! Seize your potential and live your own exciting life!
When you decide to make a conscious change instead of drifting, you start to descend. You face how deep the rabbit hole is. Going back to the matrix mood of our Hungarian-ness, so to speak: „Whoever wants to be a piper must go to hell.”
You do not have to do all this alone. I will support you in our work together to finally create that certain magic in you and in your life.
Deep changes in a short time:
this is Consciousness Coaching®
I learned this special method over several years in Belgium and the Netherlands, in the framework of a master’s course. The method was developed by Marc Steinberg from the „classical” coaching methodology and its essence (uniqueness) lies in the fact that it is possible to achieve significant change and development by changing the individual’s level of consciousness. It is not knowledge but rather a lack of awareness that prevents individuals from achieving their goals and being fulfilled in life.
Consciousness Coaching® in Hungary is practiced by me alone.
learn more
Important note: Mediation agreements concluded through a mediation process are accepted by courts and lawyers.
The typical mediation has no formal compulsory elements although some elements usually occur:
- establishment of basic rules framing the boundaries of mediation (introductory remarks),
- statement of the problem by the parties,
- identification of issues,
- clarification and detailing of respective interests and objectives,
- searching for objective criteria,
- identification of options,
- discussing and analysing solutions,
- adjusting and refining proposed solutions,
- reaching an agreement and record the agreement in writing,
- signing the agreement.
About me
in brief
I am Zsófia Zalai-Zempléni, a mediator and master coach, and the only practitioner of Consciousness Coaching® working in Hungary. Not incidentally, I am a wife and happy mother of four wonderful children. My main areas of expertise are pregnancy, motherhood, youth coaching, relationship/change mediation.
As women we have to take a stand in many areas of life. My mission is to help women make conscious choices about their life and give them the freedom to focus on which part of their life they want to live, according to their stage in life. I also help them to find a balance between their different female roles.
Young people are more likely to succeed in the world and become happier adults if they learn from an early age to access their inner resources, to unblock our blockages, to regulate our reactions to emotions and to learn to communicate clearly and openly. I help them to do this with faith and commitment.
It is not lack of knowledge, but lack of awareness that prevents us from getting through the challenging times in our lives, from achieving our goals and fulfilling ourselves. By becoming aware of our habituated actions and reactions, we have a greater opportunity to shape our destiny in a responsible and positive way.
We set up our foundations because we believe that social awareness is important.
Our foundations help us to provide help to those who could not afford it. As well as helping, we want to raise awareness of the social barriers that, together, we can change.
AOROM Foundation
The Foundation aims to:
To promote the harmonious spiritual, physical and intellectual development, skills, abilities, knowledge, qualities and literacy of children, young people and young adults, and to support them in achieving their goals through deeper self-awareness, so that they become responsible adults who are sensitive to their environment. Talent management, education, upbringing, career guidance, integration, skills development, prevention, advocacy. „To love well is to know and accept – to extend one’s world to others.” (Tamás Vekerdy – Hungarian child psychologist)
Special Family Foundation
The Foundation aims to:
Every family is unique. Every family is special. The Foundation’s aim is to support the harmonious functioning of families, to help the process of becoming a family, to protect, preserve and restore the mental, spiritual and physical health of the individuals who make up the family, as well as the professionals in early development, early childhood intervention, primary and specialised care, public education and the social sphere, who help to develop harmonious parent-child and family relationships, with particular attention to children and young adults with special needs.