Children’s Way
How I help
Personal session - 60 min
55 Euro
Personal session - 90 min
70 Euro
Couple – 90 min
80 Euro
Bach Flower Theraphy – 60 min
55 Euro with drops
Family constellation
70 Euro
Workshop – 180 min
50 Euro
Time is of value for all of us. Please inform me as soon as possible if you know that you can not participate in a previously arranged session.

What causes problems for children and teenagers
- how to manage their emotions, how to resolve conflicts.
- how to fit into a new community, how to act in a way that is acceptable to the world around them.
- how to concentrate better and for longer.
- what to do when you are constantly ill, how to resolve the conflicts behind chronic illnesses.
- how and with what tools to cope if someone has died or parents are divorced or you have suffered any other kind of loss.
- how to gain more self-confidence,
- how to manage your time, what to learn.
- how to adopt a new way of looking at things, so that you can live a more positive, honest life, etc.
Mindfulness. It is an innate ability that can be developed, honed and deepened through practice. The key is non-judgmental attention focused on one thing.
Mindfulness can help children and young people to regain their upset balance and become not only participants but also observers of their own lives and actions.
The self-reflection (introspection) that develops through the practice of mindfulness allows for a more accurate understanding of the emotions that arise, and acceptance of oneself and one’s environment. The world becomes less frightening and confusing for the child through the practice of mindful presence. Experiencing oneself in a new way helps the child to feel more confident and relaxed, and to cope more easily with difficult situations.
Parent-Child Coaching
The essence of the method is that, unlike the traditional one-to-one youth coaching, where the young person works one-to-one with the coach, one or both parents are present. We go into the coaching process together, working towards a common goal.
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The uniqueness of PaChi Coaching lies in the fact that the parent’s presence and support is used to help the young person work through the stuckness and challenges, so that the young person feels more support, trust and security from the parent.
The parent’s willingness to open up to his/her child, to understand the child’s deeper layers, to access and use his/her inner resources, can be increased with the coach’s support. The young person feels that they are really being listened to.
All this joint work and responsibility leads to more lasting changes and more loving connections, a wonderful shared experience in the parent-child relationship.

Dealing with loss and grief for teenagers
We are constantly faced with losses throughout our lives, but it is not always the same how these will affect the rest of a young person’s life. Losses cannot be avoided, so dealing with them is inevitable. Let me help you with that!
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What are the types of losses I most often encounter among young people?
- death of a loved one
- moving house, moving house
- change of school
- school breakdowns, difficulties, e.g. changing teachers
- divorce of parents
- mental or physical injury of a parent
- break-up of friendship
- loss of a beloved pet
- serious illness
- accident
- loss of a sibling – even in the fetal state
- disability in the family
- moving to or from abroad
- food allergy
- change in daily lifestyle e.g. Covid situation
- interruption of a sporting career
- break-up, etc.
Bereavement counselling is age-appropriate, provided in a safe and confidential environment and in a professional setting. Respecting the child’s complex and even extreme emotions, pace and personality. You are not alone!
Mindfulness for Teenagers
Mindfulness practices will have the following effects on your young person’s life, among others:
- increased concentration
- ability to manage fears with awareness
- becoming more aware of anger management, with longer reaction times
- memory capacity is strengthened
- increased feelings of calm and peace
- working in the here and now will become more effective.
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Remember: „The child, like all adults, is the expert of his own life!”
OUR MAIN GOAL WITH MINDFULNESS CHILDREN: Feel comfortable in their own skin, and then they will be at peace and acceptance with their environment, and find their inner calm, their center, to which they can return at any time. Learn to recognise their basic emotions and deal with them with full acceptance. Guided meditation and imagination exercises are very helpful in this. The result: inner peace, acceptance, stable self-esteem, self-confidence, Balancing at a young age. Need more? Come, join me, join us!